
::Spring 2011!::

So my last semester as a junior at Otis has finally begun. The first week was a hassle for me to get back into THE GAME (as John put it during my "advising"...), and I suffered from the "Oh I have enough time I'll do it later" syndrome; which, interestingly enough, was something I thought I overcame after IB. Not. But strangely enough, I'm scribbling TO-DO-TO-BE-DONE-WILL-DO lists down every where, so I'm pretty sure I'll be fine from now on.


For the first time ever, I was in a crit taking place on... the lawn. As much as it was a good change to leave the classroom and venture out, LA sun rays are (still) not my best friend.

{l to r:: Montana (lump), yours truthfully, Mikey, Vicky + Kendra}

{my manifesto poster rough.}

I have some interesting plans for the poster, and can't wait to manifest them onto paper. This project is truly exciting for me, since I get to dabble in words, and stir those words up with visuals.


Experimental type is becoming a great place for... experiments.

I chuckled at Erin's quote of "wearing lab coats and messing around with type"... but yes, sans lab coat, that is what I'm doing. With the help of Sean's comment, I had a myth-busters moment for M/M Paris's look. My love for hand-done typography is going on full blast in this class, and I can't wait to start working on more assignments.

But for now...... sleep. (//while you can get it)

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