

Some bits and pieces I've been working on lately...

The battle with illustrator has been on-going, but I am not going to be defeated... at least not yet.

...Also bummed that my client always ends up liking the logos I either a)half-assed, or b) created in utter desperation. ...by that, I mean the horrible looking tacky ones.


::Dramatic Thursday to Blissful Friday::

is finally up! [...I have yet to create my page, but for now I'm directing to my carbonmade account, since that's the closest thing I have to an online portfolio at the moment...Tomorrow I am going to figure out how to set up Indexhibit...Eeep!]

Some design ideas. Looks like I'm gonna get a new phone,
so I'm gonna hold off on doing the back design until I get it...!


My friend was supposed to come hang out with me on Thursday... Somethings happened and I ended up greeting him at my garage at 3 AM. ...I decided to dress nice during the day time, but by the time he got to my place I was in my slip and worn out cardigan, with random flats I pulled out from the shoe box. ...Meaningless dress up for the win?
...Either way I had fun so it doesn't matter in the end. <3



Here's proof that I've actually been productive during summer!




::"Vanilla" in progress::

Today was another day devoted to painting...
HOWEVER, I did manage to get myself to clean out my bedroom/studio space.
(I was starting to work in the living room, and clearly my roommate was
not happy with the mess I was making there... boo.)

I even made a "vanity" area where I finally decided to put up my accessories...
I haven't worn my hair clips in such a long time simply because I just threw everything in a bag and buried it under a pile of clothing in my closet... durrr.

Today's progress...

Under drawing completed!
I've been inspired after the meeting+dinner on monday, I met so many cute girls
and inspiring characters, not to mention one of my favorite creative directors (who happens to be a very close friend of my favorite artist of all time, Pyuupiru!)...ah... bliss.


I inherited this book over 10 years ago from my dad (more like my grandmother, who had all his books from childhood lying around in the library room of my grandparents' home)... It's over 40 years old (hence the 350yen($3.50) price tag on the back...), yet one of the best reference materials I've come across for drawing flowers. Same goes for the other book I got at the same time, that one is filled with amazing drawing of insects.


:: Nadeshiko: Completed! ::

She turned out way more colorful than I expected,
but I'm happy with the out come :)

Considering on submitting on my girls (after I paint a couple more of these girlies) to Giant Robot, since I heard that they are still looking for someone to exhibit with one of my favorite illustrators+teachers of all time, Fawn Fruits!!


::Summer Painting Specials::

Summer projects that I've been working on...
I don't know what to do with these girls, but they're fun to work around with.